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Don’t Forget To Hydrate!

Don’t Forget To Hydrate!
by Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D.

Read Don’t Forget To Hydrate! by Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D. to learn more about Grove Smiles® Dentistry and our Dentistry office in Coconut Grove, FL.

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Summer is officially in full swing!  Let the fun in the sun begin!  As the temperatures are heating up, our dental team would like to review a critical question we get asked about the importance of drinking water and how much they should aim to drink.  We think this is great!  So in our efforts to help you achieve better overall health and not just those fabulous healthy smiles, please read our small guideline of recommendations.

Fun In The Sun Means More Water!

As the temperatures rise, so do our bodies need to cool down.  To do this, your body, an incredible machine, has a built-in cooling system that performs the function of “sweat.” This fabulous machine is also responsible for self-sustaining by making its repairs.  Proper nerve flow regenerates new healthy cells that make up every organ, tissue fiber, and fluid in our body.

When we get down to it, our bodies contain more water than anything else – about 65-90 percent of our total body weight.  This water helps regulate our body’s temperature, transports nutrients, and helps remove waste.  Unfortunately, every day we lose water when we breathe, sweat, urinate and defecate.  Therefore, we must replenish the water daily not only lost with regular daily activities but as an increased priority when you are losing more water through exercise, fun, action-packed activities, and summer temperatures.  Unfortunately, some poor lifestyle choices include consuming too many caffeinated drinks or cigarettes, or both.

So with water being the dominant factor in our body’s makeup, how important is keeping our bodies hydrated?  Critical!

The Hydration Equation

Statistically, the human body can survive three to five weeks without food, three to five days without water, and three to five minutes without oxygen.

Although water intake would be unique to the activities and lifestyles of the individual, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy continually reviews research evidence on adequate water intake, and their most recent suggestions for daily intake are as follows:

Men: 13 cups (about 10.5 cups from beverages)
Women: 9 cups (about 7 cups from beverages)
Pregnant women: 10 cups (about 8 cups from beverages)
Breastfeeding women: 13 cups (about 10.5 cups from beverages)

Am I Hydrated Enough?

Most people can gauge their water intake by merely looking at the color of their urine.  When you are getting enough water, your urine should be a pale yellow, and you should urinate several times a day.  Unfortunately, urine color doesn’t work for everyone.  For instance, when taking dietary supplements or certain medications, your urine can vary and even be a bright yellow.

How Much Water Do I Actually Need?

Although that is a simple question, it does not have an easy answer.  It depends on some environmental and physical factors that can change every day.  An additional factor in the equation is the amount and type of food you eat.  On average, 20 percent of your water intake can come from the foods you eat, with the remaining 80 percent coming from non-caffeinated beverages, preferably water.

One of the more straightforward formulas that we have found works well is merely drinking fluids each day that equal half of your body weight in ounces.  For example, we advise that a 200 lb—person drink 100 ounces of water daily.  The water intake is smaller and often rather than in huge quantities all at once.

More Than Just A Dentist!

Here at Grove Smiles Dentistry in Coconut Grove, FL, we are proud to have served thousands of families over the last forty years.  Dr. Stephen Parr continues to look forward to helping you and your families keep your healthy sparkling smiles for life and help improve your health.

If you are looking to whiten, brighten, and keep your teeth healthy for life, call our fantastic team of dentists and hygienists today and let us help you create that confident smile you will love to continue to share.

For Your Health,

Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D.

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Grove Smiles® Dentistry

Dr. Rita Dargham, D.M.D.
2685 Bird Avenue
Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Phone: 305-858-0505
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