Grove Smiles® Dentistry | Dentist Coconut Grove FL
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Smile Bright – It Radiates

Smile Bright – It Radiates
by Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D.

Read Smile Bright – It Radiates by Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D. to learn more about Grove Smiles® Dentistry and our Dentistry office in Coconut Grove, FL.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 305-858-0505.

As the Thanksgiving holiday is less than two weeks away, help us extend the attitude of gratitude with the thankfulness of our blessings. Start now by simply paying it forward with a smile.

Thirty Second Trial

Here is a quick experiment to show you it works. It only takes a second, and you can do it almost anywhere.

Look around the room and catch someone’s eye. Now smile at that person. Did they smile back? We guess they did. Smiles are remarkable in that way! New studies show that your smile is more powerful than you know.

Give A Big Grin – Happiness Is Contagious

A recent UCSD/Harvard study documented how happiness spreads through our interactions with others and how it continues to spread beyond those we meet and greet!

You don’t even need to be close friends or family to be influenced by someone else’s happiness—it’s passed on to neighbors, schoolmates, and friends of friends too.

Repel The Negative

A North Dakota State University smile study concluded that smiles are way more likely to spread to others than frowns—even though researchers assumed that they would be equally contagious before the study. In this crazy world, isn’t it nice to know that positive vibes move more quickly and efficiently than negative vibes?

A Power-Packed Super Smile

When you unleash the powerful potential of YOUR smile, you can make the world a better place. So keep your smile healthy. Brush and floss every day, and be sure you’re having regular checkups and professional cleanings. If there’s anything that’s keeping your smile (or your kid’s smile) from its full potential, ask us about it. We’re here to help!

As Always, Thank You

We try not to be annoying by badgering you for referrals. However, if you have an extended family member, coworker, neighbor, or friend who’s looking for excellent oral healthcare for their family, please share our practice with them. We love the new patients who come to us through you—our current patients. They typically become our favorites.

For Your Health,

Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D.

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Grove Smiles® Dentistry

Dr. Rita Dargham, D.M.D.
2685 Bird Avenue
Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Phone: 305-858-0505
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