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Love Your Smile Coconut Grove

Love Your Smile Coconut Grove
by Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D.

Read Love Your Smile Coconut Grove by Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D. to learn more about Grove Smiles® Dentistry and our Dentistry office in Coconut Grove, FL.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 305-858-0505.

In honor of Love Your Smile this month we are celebrating healthy teeth and gums. Unfortunately, we are seeing that many of you have found that your teeth and gums have become more sensitive and bleeding more often after you brush and floss.

If that checks the post-valentine candy box, read on. For when it comes to periodontal disease or commonly know as gum disease, knowing the risk factors can mean the difference between detecting a problem early or suffering more severe damage later.

The Hard Candy Truth
of Gum Disease

Gum disease is most often caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that continually forms on teeth. If the plaque is not removed with thorough daily brushing and cleaning between teeth, your gums become irritated and inflamed. The irritated gum tissue can separate from the teeth and form spaces called pockets. These pockets are where the bacteria likes to move in and begin decay.

Gum disease has multiple stages. It first starts off as gingivitis, and usually doesn’t need professional attention and can be treated by brushing at least twice a day and flossing after every meal.

Gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, is more common in adults than children with a slightly higher rate being shown in the male population. Studies also indicate that the prevalence of gum disease is higher in some families, suggesting genetics are at play.

Most importantly, if Gingivitis is left untreated it will continue to break down healthy gum tissue until the bone, and other tooth-supporting tissues are destroyed. If your gum disease progresses to this next level, periodontitis, your dentist will recommend more advanced professional treatment options.

Best Sweet Treat Tip – Be Pro-Active! For if you suffer from advanced periodontitis, you are at risk of losing your teeth and having permanent damage.

Easy Tooth Tips To Help Manage and Improve Gum Disease

Smoking – Smoking irritates your whole mouth; plus accelerates the build-up of tartar on your teeth. If you are a smoker, remember you are also putting the rest of your body at high risk for other diseases.

Strong Toothpaste – Strong whitening or more enriched cleaning based types toothpaste have harsh chemicals that are meant to brush away tartar and plaque. If you suffer from inflamed or irritated gums, choose a gentler toothpaste so that you don’t irritate your gums further.

Hard Toothbrushes – Select a soft toothbrush and make sure that you brush gently. Brush in gentle circles to release food, plaque, and tartar from your teeth.

Grinding Your Teeth – Grinding or tight clenching of teeth puts added stress and pressure on your teeth, gums, and jaw. If you would like advice on the best mouthguard for your teeth, please call.

Over Flossing – Flossing is essential, but you want to make sure you are not cutting into your gums. Floss slowly and gently. Focus on removing the food from between the teeth instead of going back and forth between your teeth.

Ready To Have You Love Your Smile!

So remember in our celebration of Love Your Smile dental month, to brush, floss, and keep your regularly scheduled appointments. If oral health challenges do occur, make sure to contact our fantastic and inviting Grove Smiles Dentistry team led by Dr. Stephen J. Parr, as we are here to make sure that you and your family will have healthy teeth and gums for life.

For Your Health,

Dr. Rita Dargham D.M.D.

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Grove Smiles® Dentistry

Dr. Rita Dargham, D.M.D.
2685 Bird Avenue
Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Phone: 305-858-0505
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